The Balcony

By Jean Genet

Directed by Jamie Sweet

An upscale brothel in which its madam, Irma, caters and provides for her clients every need.  No matter how...odd. Meanwhile, a revolution is progressing outside in the city and the occupants of the brothel anxiously await the arrival of the Chief of Police. Chantal, one of the prostitutes, has quit the brothel to become the embodiment of the spirit of the revolution and leads the masses in an uprising to overthrow the Queen.  Written by legendary absurdist, Jean Genet, The Balcony draws back the curtain on what happens behind the scenes when inept and narcissistic individuals are elevated to positions of power.  Waitaminute...

June 30 - July 22

Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays @ 8pm

Opening/Closing Night $25
(includes a post show reception)

General $20

Students/Seniors/Teachers/Military $15